Leadership as the core, down the stretch and expand, not only ensure the company’s centralized and unified management system, and can be under the leadership of the administrator , give full play to the role of the professional management institutions , to maintain the company’s core competitiveness ,achieve the company’s long-term development has laid a solid foundation.

Main Job Description
General Manager Office: Representatives from the general manager, the manager , deputy general manager, chief engineer and other senior management personal, responsible for the company’s operation and management decision making.
Technical Centre: Project quality planning; design and test product research and development; Technical standard and technical documents management ; engineering survey design and equipment installation, modulation and maintenance services of technical support.
Sales centre: product sales; Engineering project bidding and user requirements review; site engineering equipment installation, modulation and maintenance service of the organization and implementation; Pre-sale, sale, after – sale services; Contact customer communication and satisfaction measurement and evaluation.
Production Department: Production, purchasing, warehouse, equipment management and its implementation; Process quality control
Quality Management Department: Incoming material , process, finished product and shipment inspection; Product verification and test; Measuring instrument management; Customer rework product . Unqualified corrective and preventive.
Human Recourse Department: ?Human resources; Training ; Logistics
Financial Management Department: ?Cost accounting ; ?Assets management.